Manufacturer of wooden packaging since 1995

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Pirmdien, 3. jūlijā KRONUS komandai Dārzkopības pārdošanas nodaļā pievienosies jauna kolēģe – Klientu vadītāja Liene Erlecka – Dambrova (LIDA)!




Iepazīstamies ar kolēģi!


Liene Erlecka – Dambrova (LIDA)

Over the last 15 years of my professional life, the process of a successfully managed business intrigues and excites me the most, especially if I can be a part of that process. Working in sales and procurement, I have gained irrefutable confirmation of the enormous impact curiosity and willingness to learn has on the development of a person professionally, personally, and in business in general. I’m pleased to be a part of an organization that values people being inspired and being able to encourage each other. I will always appreciate openness and the productive exchange of new ideas. I am most excited to join the KRONUS Upyard sales team!

Lienes tiešais vadītājs – SEDO un tiešie pienākumi būs šādi:

  • Sadarbība ar esošajiem klientiem Eiropā, izprotot viņu vajadzības un vēlmes
  • Attīstīt un uzturēt ilgtermiņa attiecības ar klientiem, būt pirmā kontaktpersona jautājumu vai problēmu gadījumā
  • Sasniegt pārdošanas mērķus, meklēt jaunas attīstības iespējas un palielināt produktu un pakalpojumu pārdošanu
  • Sagatavot un prezentēt klientiem priekšlikumus un vadīt prezentācijas, izprotot viņu vajadzības un piedāvājot risinājumus, kas atbilst viņu prasībām
  • Veikt tirgus un konkurentu izpēti un analīzi
  • Sadarbība ar citām nodaļām, lai nodrošinātu veiksmīgu darījumu izpildi un produktu savlaicīgu piegādi
  • Piedalīties attiecīgās industrijas pasākumos un izstādēs, lai vairotu atpazīstamību mūsu produktiem un pakalpojumiem



On Monday, July 3rd, a new colleague will join KRONUS Gardening Sales Department – Account Manager Liene Erlecka – Dambrova (LIDA)!



Let’s get to know our new colleague!


Liene Erlecka – Dambrova (LIDA)

Over the last 15 years of my professional life, the process of a successfully managed business intrigues and excites me the most, especially if I can be a part of that process. Working in sales and procurement, I have gained irrefutable confirmation of the enormous impact curiosity and willingness to learn has on the development of a person professionally, personally, and in business in general. I’m pleased to be a part of an organization that values people being inspired and being able to encourage each other. I will always appreciate openness and the productive exchange of new ideas. I am most excited to join the KRONUS Upyard sales team!

Liene’s direct manager – SEDO and direct responsibilities will be as follows:

  • Work closely with existing accounts in Europe to understand their needs and requirements
  • Develop and maintain strong relationships with clients, acting as their primary point of contact for any inquiries or issues
  • Achieve sales targets by identifying new business opportunities and upselling products and services
  • Prepare and deliver proposals and presentations to clients, demonstrating a thorough understanding of their needs and offering solutions that meet their requirements
  • Monitor and analyze market trends and competitors to stay ahead
  • Collaborate with other departments to ensure timely delivery of projects and products
  • Participate in relevant industry events and conferences to promote our products and services